Results for 'Vânia Noeli F. De Assunção'

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  1.  15
    Da crítica ao politicismo à determinação ontonegativa da politicidade.Ester Vaiman & Vânia Noeli Ferreira de Assunção - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Este artigo tem por propósito expor as análises realizadas pelo filósofo J. Chasin em relação ao tema da política no âmbito da formação social brasileira, cuja determinação central, nos seus termos, é ter-se constituído pela via colonial. Intentamos, inicialmente, mostrar a interrelação entre as pesquisas chasinianas sobre o pensamento de K. Marx especialmente a crítica à política (consubstanciada na expressão determinação ontonegativa da politicidade), e suas descobertas sobre a sociabilidade nacional. No interior dessa relação de potencialização recíproca, destacamos o debate (...)
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    Ocidente e história em Golbery do Couto e Silva.Vânia de Assunção - 2019 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 25 (2):392-443.
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    Os festejos do Reinado de Nossa Senhora do Rosário em Belo Horizonte/MG: práticas simbólicas e educativas.Vânia de F. Noronha Alves - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (20):180-182.
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    Erratum to: Ethics review of studies during public health emergencies - the experience of the WHO ethics review committee during the Ebola virus disease epidemic.Emilie Alirol, Annette C. Kuesel, Maria Magdalena Guraiib, Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez, Abha Saxena & Melba F. Gomes - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):45.
    Background Between 2013 and 2016, West Africa experienced the largest ever outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease. In the absence of registered treatments or vaccines to control this lethal disease, the World Health Organization coordinated and supported research to expedite identification of interventions that could control the outbreak and improve future control efforts. Consequently, the World Health Organization Research Ethics Review Committee was heavily involved in reviews and ethics discussions. It reviewed 24 new and 22 amended protocols for research studies including (...)
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    Reappraisal inventiveness: The ability to create different reappraisals of critical situations.Hannelore Weber, Vera Loureiro de Assunção, Christina Martin, Hans Westmeyer & Fay C. Geisler - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (2):345-360.
  6. A democratização do ensino em anísio Teixeira E nos ginásios vocacionais.Gerson Senff, Ivan Gonçalves & Maria Aparecida Todeschini de Assunção - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (9):25-44.
    Este artigo visa apresentar a pesquisa bibliográfica, descritiva com abordagem qualitativa diante do contexto educacional dos anos de 1960 a 1970, com o objetivo de estabelecer as relações entre a democratização do ensino em Anísio Teixeira e as experiências dos Ginásios Vocacionais do estado de São Paulo. Busca-se a interpretação das ações de Anísio Teixeira no âmbito da educação escolar e no projeto pedagógico dos Ginásios Vocacionais, em seu ambiente e contexto social, como resposta aos desafios educacionais. O texto está (...)
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  7. Newmann: su estela a lo largo de una centuria.F. De B. Vizmanos - 1945 - Pensamiento 1 (4):405-412.
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  8. Chemins du monde : Civilisation.F. Berge, L. de Broglie, B. Parain & H. Nicolson - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:90-92.
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  9. L'augustinisme de St François d'Assise.F. De Beer - 1990 - Revista Agustiniana 31 (95):417-504.
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    A new geographic distribution of Eleuterodactylus antillensis (Reinhardt y Lutken, 1983)(Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) identification and ecologic habit in Panama city.F. De Sousa, F. A. Arosemena, J. A. Castillo & H. M. Mallorga - 1989 - Scientia 4.
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  11. antiguo autor, Selestina. Belgrado.F. De Rojas - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez, Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico. pp. 205.
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    La Cessio Bonorum La Cessio Bonorum. Par Lucien Guenoun. Pp. 104. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1920.F. De Zulueta - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (7-8):176-.
  13. Elias ou le romantisme éducatif.F. De Singly - 1995 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 99:279-291.
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  14. La Spécificité de la jeunesse dans les sociétés individualisées.F. De Singly - 2004 - Comprendre 5.
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  15.  21
    Enhancing citizenship through nursing care in Brazil: Patients' struggle against austerity policies.Rodrigo Nogueira Silva & Márcia de Assunção Ferreira - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12337.
    Interpersonal relations play a critical role in both the conception and dynamics of Brazilian citizenship. Under the influence of neoliberalism, patients must build strategies to access high‐quality health care services. This study aimed to analyze the role of interpersonal relations involved in the access to and delivery of health care services in Brazil amid the influence of austerity policies and the role of nurses in enhancing citizenship through nursing care. Thirty‐one patients in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (...)
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  16. «Novus Adam». Significado de la tipología de Adán en S. Buenaventura (Leg. Maior, cap. 5).F. De A. Chavero Blanco - 1992 - Verdad y Vida 50 (198-199):137-171.
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  17. Histoire de la Pensée Scientifique.F. Enriques & G. de Santillana - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (3):387-390.
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  18.  19
    Le Cinema régne, um filme de François Truffaut.Luiz Fernando Batista F. De Matos - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):73-90.
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    Social top-down response modulation (STORM): a model of the control of mimicry in social interaction.Yin Wang & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  20.  33
    Psychology, Social Rights and therapeutic processes of black people: historical effects of racism on subjectivity, diagnosis of mental disorder such as institutional racism and other clinical specificities.Daniel Dall'Igna Ecker, Analice de Lima Palombini, Vania Roseli Correa de Mello & Milene Amaral Pereira - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (1):128-151.
  21. A cross-species perspective on the selfishness axiom.Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):818-818.
    Henrich et al. describe an innovative research program investigating cross-cultural differences in the selfishness axiom (in economic games) in humans, yet humans are not the only species to show such variation. Chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys show signs of deviating from the standard self-interest paradigm in experimental settings by refusing to take foods that are less valuable than those earned by conspecifics, indicating that they, too, may pay attention to relative gains. However, it is less clear whether these species also show (...)
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    L'activité représentative et l'imagination.F. De Sarlo - 1929 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 36 (3):361 - 386.
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    Change-making in a apartheid city: An auto-ethnographical essay.Stephan F. de Beer & Wilna de Beer - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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  24. Le mouvement doctrinal du IXe au XIVe siècle.Aimé Forest, F. Van Steenberghen, de Gandillac, A. Fliche & E. Jarry - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:360-361.
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    Dynamics of long-wavelength phason fluctuations in the i-Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystal.S. Francoual, F. Livet, M. de Boissieu, F. Yakhou, F. Bley, A. Létoublon, R. Caudron, J. Gastaldi & R. Currat - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):1029-1035.
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    "Et in Florentina ego": Luigi Fiacchi e o "Locus amoenus".Henrique F. Cairus & Jeannie Bressan Annibolete de Paiva - 2019 - Letras 1 (S1):265–280.
    In this paper, we aim to bring to discussion the concept of locus amoenus, a common denomination of locus communis (topos, for the greeks), that makes reference to the ideal landscape according to the norms of the ancient idyllic poetry. We will describe and analyze the locus amoenus from an 18th century Italian poetry perspective, more specifically from the fables of Luigi Fiacchi, a poet and Catholic priest of that century. The analysis will focus on the references, either direct or (...)
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    Second person neuroscience needs theories as well as methods.Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):425-426.
    Advancing second-person neuroscience will need strong theories, as well as the new methods detailed by Schilbach et al. I assess computational theories, enactive theories, and cognitive/information processing theories, and argue that information processing approaches have an important role to play in second-person neuroscience. They provide the closest link to brain imaging and can give important insights into social behaviour.
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    Visual perspective taking impairment in children with autistic spectrum disorder.Antonia F. De C. Hamilton, Rachel Brindley & Uta Frith - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):37-44.
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    Societal concerns about PORK and PORK production and their relationships to the production system.Egbert Kanis, Ab F. Groen & Karel H. De Greef - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (2):137-162.
    Pork producers in Western Europe moreand more encounter a variety of societalconcerns about pork and pork production. Sofar, however, producers predominantly focusedon low consumer prices, therewith addressingjust one concern. This resulted in an intensiveand large-scale production system, decreasinglyrelated to the area of farm land, andaccompanied with increasing concerns aboutsafety and healthiness of pork, animal welfare,environmental pollution, and others.An overview was given of possible concernsabout West-European pork production with theconsumers, citizens, and producers, and thoseconcerns are traced back to the pork productionsystem. (...)
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    A proximate perspective on reciprocal altruism.Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (1):129-152.
    The study of reciprocal altruism, or the exchange of goods and services between individuals, requires attention to both evolutionary explanations and proximate mechanisms. Evolutionary explanations have been debated at length, but far less is known about the proximate mechanisms of reciprocity. Our own research has focused on the immediate causes and contingencies underlying services such as food sharing, grooming, and cooperation in brown capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees. Employing both observational and experimental techniques, we have come to distinguish three types of (...)
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  31. L'oeuvre latine, Tome 1 : Le commentaire de la Genèse, précédé des Prologues.Maître Eckhart, F. Brunner, A. de Libera, E. Wéber & Emilie zum Brunn - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (4):633-633.
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    Sociologie et philosophie.F. De la Horbe - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (2):167-179.
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    Unbroken mirrors: Challenging a theory of autism.Victoria Southgate & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (6):225-229.
  34.  38
    The Role of Eye Gaze During Natural Social Interactions in Typical and Autistic People.Roser Cañigueral & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    On the identity type as the type of computational paths.F. Ramos Arthur, J. G. B. De Queiro Ruy & G. De Oliveira Anjolina - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):562-584.
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    Mental practice promotes motor anticipation: evidence from skilled music performance.Nicolò F. Bernardi, Matteo De Buglio, Pietro D. Trimarchi, Alfonso Chielli & Emanuela Bricolo - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  37.  22
    Espinosa e a tradição melancólica.Marcos F. De Paula - 2008 - Cadernos Espinosanos 18:53.
    Desde o Problema XXX, atribuído a Aristóteles, uma longa tradição de filósofos, artistas e escritores vê a melancolia como afeto positivo ligado ao “homem de gênio” e à criação intelectual em geral. Do ponto de vista da teoria dos afetos de Espinosa, o problema da melancolia coloca um outro: como é possível que de uma tristeza profunda possa nascer a atividade intectual, artística, literária? Toda atividade é uma produção, uma alegria, aumento da potência de agir e pensar: como ela poderia (...)
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    Scaling down the Earth’s history: Visual materials for popular education by Nérée Boubée (1806–1862).Silvia F. De M. Figueirôa - 2023 - History of Science 61 (3):383-408.
    Spatial and temporal scales are essential components of geological sciences; both are almost always imbricated in complex ways, challenging geoscientific knowledge among nonspecialists and students. The present paper focuses on the efforts made by the French naturalist Simon-Suzanne Nérée Boubée (1806–62) regarding popular education on geology. Though Boubée is poorly known nowadays, he experienced some prestige during his lifetime. He worked as an independent teacher, offering private as well as free public courses. Boubée, as a nineteenth-century science popularizer, repeatedly insisted (...)
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    Christopher Pearse Cranch and His Caricatures of New England Transcendentalism.Joseph L. Blau & F. De Wolfe Miller - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (1):22.
  40. Connaissance de Dieu: Présence intentionnelle ou réelle?F. Bourassa - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (3-4):567-612.
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    Notes de lecture.F. Champion - 2010 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 4 (3):228-230.
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    Automatic imitation in a rich social context with virtual characters.Xueni Pan & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Tussen secularisering en religiositeit: De dynamiek van protestantse theologiebeoefening.F. Gerrit Immink - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (3).
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    Scenes from Some Theban Tombs.Charles F. Nims & Nina de Garis Davies - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):414.
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  45. Principios bioéticos y calidad de la atención médica.F. Stepke - 2006 - In Fernando Lolas, Ética e Innovación Tecnológica. Santiago: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética (CIEB), Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile. pp. 209--15.
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  46. Contributions à l'histoire de la pensée de Hobbes.F. TÖnnies - 1936 - Archives de Philosophie 12:73-98.
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    Is there a human fear paradox? A more thorough use of comparative data to test the fearful ape hypothesis.Judith M. Burkart & F. De Oliveira Terceiro - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e57.
    Grossmann's intriguing proposal can benefit from a more thorough integration of the primate literature, particularly on neophobia. Moreover, it directly leads to strong predictions in callitrichids, the only other cooperatively breeding primates beyond humans, which may indeed be met: Being more likely to signal distress than independently breeding monkeys, and responding to such signals with approach and affiliation.
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    Effects of being watched on self-referential processing, self-awareness and prosocial behaviour.Roser Cañigueral & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76:102830.
  49. De te fabula narratur: Teatro y mito en Sartre.F. Duque - 1980 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):347.
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    Evolution Individuelle et Heredite. Theorie de la Variation Quantitative. Bibliotheque Scientific International.F. Ledantec - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (3):330-332.
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